Why choose AEIOU?
Choosing the right service for your family is an important and personal choice. Because autism affects each child differently, what works for one family may not work for yours, and vice versa.
Our service was established in 2005 by Brisbane parents, Dr James and Louise Morton, after their own experiences of a life-changing pilot program when their son Andrew was diagnosed with autism. While AEIOU has now grown to support more than 300 children each year, it is underpinned by the same grassroots values and commitment. At AEIOU, you'll be part of a community.

AEIOU can offer your child:
- An individual learning plan, developed with input from families and AEIOU’s team around the child, which guides your child’s journey at AEIOU to meet their needs, build on strengths, work towards their individual development goals and foster inclusion.
- A minimum of 15-25 hours of evidence-based early intervention each week (as recommended in the 2012 Australian Guidelines for Good Practice): most children will receive up to 30 hours of autism-specific education and early intervention, where 'evidence-based' means we use strategies which are proven to be safe and effective through rigorous research.
- A warm and play-based naturalistic environment, where children are also supported to socialise and maintain connection with their peers, learn how to initiate play and develop relationships with other children in the classroom, as well as other skills that foster their confidence and independence.
- A highly skilled transdisciplinary team, comprising Early Childhood Teachers, Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Behaviour Analysts and Early Intervention Specialists. All of our team members are trained to deliver autism-specific therapy and education.
- A high staff-to-child ratio: when you combine the early childhood education, therapy and care team, there is about triple the number of staff to children in each classroom, all working together with a comprehensive understanding of autism, each child, and how they can support their individual goals.
AEIOU can offer your family:
- A centre-based environment, where your child is accessing a combination of therapy supports in one location and is building their social skills as they meet and play with different children while maintain connection to their core pod of peers.
- A long day care setting which allows parents to access the workforce, study commitments, tend to family commitments, or an element of respite, if needed.
- Parent engagement sessions where you can meet with your child’s therapists, better understand your child’s learning journey and learn skills to build your child’s capacity at home and in the community.
- Access to education workshops that will help you further scaffold your child’s learning.
- Community experiences: opportunities for excursions or incursions for local attractions in your area, which are always linked to learning outcomes and fostering inclusion.
- A consistent curriculum, which is informed and guided by evidence, research and highly skilled professionals, complemented by strategies tailored to your child’s individual needs.
- A quality service which offers value: AEIOU provides a full-time, quality, highly individualised service that is delivered by therapy, early intervention and early childhood education specialists in alignment with NDIS guidelines. You can read more information on AEIOU fees here.
- Dedicated NDIS support: AEIOU employs in-house NDIS Support Coordinators who can help you with any access and funding questions you may have as you navigate the NDIS.
For more information about how we can help your family, call us and talk to our friendly team today on 1300 273 435.