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How we can help

If your child has a new or suspected autism diagnosis, we’re here to help.

Our team team appreciates every child's unique strengths and qualities, and we value ensuring our spaces area respectful, inclusive and neurodiverse-affirming. 

AEIOU provides therapeutic, early intervention services for children with autism aged two to six. The supports delivered at AEIOU best align to the principles of Naturalistic Developmental Behavioural Intervention (NDBI). That means we ensure that each child receives individualised, evidence-based support within a natural environment (just like childcare or kindergarten). This approach not only enhances each child’s developmental progress but also empowers parents and caregivers to actively participate in their child’s growth.  

At AEIOU, we believe in the power of naturalistic, developmentally appropriate interventions to foster meaningful and lasting improvements in the lives of children and their families.

We also support families during the early years of a diagnosis.

Why is early intervention important?

Receiving high-quality support is important for children and their famlies. Every child has different strengths, qualities and needs. AEIOU specialies in providing education, therapy and care for children with high-support needs. If your child has experienced exclusion in other childcare settings, we can help.

Early intervention can make supports a child’s development, with research showing it gives them the best chance of developing their social, communication and early learning skills, developing meaningful and lasting friendships and, later in life, developing relationships, living independently and securing employment (Howlin, 1997).

Navigating the NDIS with AEIOU

 Why choose AEIOU? 

AEIOU is one of Australia’s leading providers of early intervention.

Our team around the child offers a combination of supports in a long day care setting to help children learn across multiple domains, like speech and communication, self-care and independence, behaviour, and early childhood education.

At AEIOU, every child is respected, and so is their right to learn and grow in a safe and happy environment, to participate in a community and to be truly included. That happens when children are valued for being who they are and their needs and strengths are embraced. At AEIOU, we don’t want to ‘fix’ autism; we want to help each child overcome the disabling aspects of autism and build on their strengths so they can live their best life.

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